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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: GKPFTLEAL

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Der f 2 217304 0.00 6.3770 7.4071 41GKPFTLEAL49
2Der f 2 217308 0.00 6.3770 7.4071 41GKPFTLEAL49
3Der f 2 13560629 0.00 6.3770 7.4071 73GKPFTLEAL81
4Der f 2 Q00855 0.00 6.3770 7.4071 49GKPFTLEAL57
5Der f 2.0109 76097511 0.00 6.3770 7.4071 32GKPFTLEAL40
6Der p 2.0114 99644635 1.18 5.6910 6.9287 49GKPFQLEAL57
7Der p 2 P49278 2.17 5.1211 6.5312 49GKPFQLEAV57
8Der p 2.0115 256095984 2.17 5.1211 6.5312 32GKPFQLEAV40
9Der p 2.0109 76097509 2.17 5.1211 6.5312 32GKPFQLEAV40
10Gly d 2.0201 7160811 3.89 4.1208 5.8336 31GKPLTLEAK39
11Gly d 2.0101 6179520 5.05 3.4520 5.3671 31GKPLTLDAK39
12Blo t 2.0104 A6XEN9 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 47GKSFTLKTF55
13Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP1 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 47GKSFTLKTF55
14Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP4 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 47GKSFTLKTF55
15Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP0 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 47GKSFTLKTF55
16Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP6 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 47GKSFTLKTF55
17Blo t 2.0103 34495268 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 46GKSFTLKTF54
18Blo t 2.0102 34495270 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 47GKSFTLKTF55
19Blo t 2.0104 A6XEN8 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 47GKSFTLKTF55
20Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP2 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 47GKSFTLKTF55
21Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP3 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 47GKSFTLKTF55
22Blo t 2.0104 A6XEP5 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 47GKSFTLKTF55
23Blo t 2.0101 34495272 5.33 3.2861 5.2514 49GKSFTLKTF57
24Asp f 18.0101 2143219 5.98 2.9108 4.9897 290GKSRTLEAA298
25Gly m 6.0401 Q9SB11 6.20 2.7813 4.8994 2GKPFTLSLS10
26Art an 7.0101 GLOX_ARTAN 6.31 2.7208 4.8572 506GKPFKITAA514
27Eur m 2 Q9TZZ2 6.51 2.6047 4.7762 48GTAFQLEAV56
28Eur m 2.0102 3941386 6.51 2.6047 4.7762 38GTAFQLEAV46
29Aed a 11.0101 ASPP_AEDAE 6.80 2.4378 4.6598 321GKSFDLEGA329
30Ber e 2 30313867 7.30 2.1482 4.4578 217FKGFNMEAL225
31Ani s 4.0101 110346533 7.37 2.1062 4.4285 74GDKYTLEIL82
32Lep d 2 P80384 7.58 1.9859 4.3446 47GEKMTLEAK55
33Lep d 2.0101 587450 7.58 1.9859 4.3446 4GEKMTLEAK12
34Lep d 2.0102 21213898 7.58 1.9859 4.3446 47GEKMTLEAK55
35Hom s 4 3297882 7.58 1.9841 4.3434 193GKGLTFQEV201
36Tri a gliadin 170738 7.61 1.9657 4.3305 282QQPAQLEAI290
37Tri a 20.0101 BAN29066 7.61 1.9657 4.3305 234QQPAQLEAI242
38Mus m 1.0102 199881 7.62 1.9607 4.3271 25GRNFNVEKI33
39Mus m 1 P02762 7.62 1.9607 4.3271 25GRNFNVEKI33
40Der p 24.0101 QCR7_DERPT 7.65 1.9429 4.3147 40TDPAHLEAV48
41Ziz m 1.0101 Q2VST0 7.74 1.8886 4.2768 176TRPFYLSAA184
42Ole e 14.0101 W8PPL3_OLEEU 7.75 1.8878 4.2762 72PKPITIEIQ80
43Scy p 9.0101 QFI57017 7.78 1.8688 4.2630 839GSPFKLDMF847
44Api g 4 Q9XF37 7.92 1.7860 4.2052 20GQTLTAAAI28
45Asp n 14 2181180 7.94 1.7757 4.1981 197GEDVSLAAV205
46Asp n 14 4235093 7.94 1.7757 4.1981 197GEDVSLAAV205
47Scy p 9.0101 QFI57017 7.99 1.7471 4.1781 325GSPFTVKVT333
48Jun a 2 9955725 8.00 1.7394 4.1727 192SKSVTVKEL200
49Cha o 2.0101 47606004 8.00 1.7394 4.1727 191SKSVTVKEL199
50Alt a 15.0101 A0A0F6N3V8_ALTAL 8.02 1.7297 4.1660 262GKSTTLDLA270

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.002400
Standard deviation: 1.725321
1 0.5 5
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 1
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 3
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 1
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 13
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 3
15 7.5 2
16 8.0 15
17 8.5 33
18 9.0 56
19 9.5 117
20 10.0 126
21 10.5 172
22 11.0 265
23 11.5 326
24 12.0 161
25 12.5 156
26 13.0 102
27 13.5 53
28 14.0 25
29 14.5 28
30 15.0 9
31 15.5 8
32 16.0 8
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.324093
Standard deviation: 2.473854
1 0.5 5
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 1
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 3
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 1
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 13
12 6.0 1
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 3
15 7.5 2
16 8.0 16
17 8.5 33
18 9.0 59
19 9.5 131
20 10.0 171
21 10.5 293
22 11.0 567
23 11.5 936
24 12.0 1172
25 12.5 2018
26 13.0 3052
27 13.5 4370
28 14.0 6263
29 14.5 8579
30 15.0 10963
31 15.5 13978
32 16.0 17062
33 16.5 20368
34 17.0 24444
35 17.5 28245
36 18.0 29929
37 18.5 31625
38 19.0 31865
39 19.5 30050
40 20.0 29124
41 20.5 26515
42 21.0 22193
43 21.5 18110
44 22.0 14041
45 22.5 9782
46 23.0 6447
47 23.5 3975
48 24.0 2181
49 24.5 1078
50 25.0 443
51 25.5 71
Query sequence: GKPFTLEAL

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