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Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Sealy Center for Structural Biology Computational Biology

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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: IFLKAGDSD

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Cten i 1.0101 QCY53440 0.00 5.9072 6.8323 85IFLKAGDSD93
2Gad m 1.0202 148356693 0.61 5.5719 6.6044 85VFLKAGDSD93
3Gad m 1.0201 14531016 0.61 5.5719 6.6044 85VFLKAGDSD93
4Gad m 1.0201 32363376 0.61 5.5719 6.6044 85VFLKAGDSD93
5Pan h 1.0101 XP_026772003 0.73 5.5058 6.5595 85IFLKAGDTD93
6Cyp c 1.02 17977827 2.12 4.7381 6.0377 85TFLKAGDSD93
7Seb m 1.0101 242253959 2.13 4.7324 6.0339 85AFLKAGDSD93
8Cyp c 1.01 17977825 2.13 4.7324 6.0339 85AFLKAGDSD93
9Xip g 1.0101 222352959 2.13 4.7324 6.0339 85AFLKAGDSD93
10Gad m 1.0101 14531014 2.13 4.7324 6.0339 85AFLKAGDSD93
11Gad m 1.0102 148356691 2.13 4.7324 6.0339 85AFLKAGDSD93
12The c 1 32363375 2.13 4.7324 6.0339 85AFLKAGDSD93
13Ran e 2 20797081 2.13 4.7324 6.0339 85AFLKAGDSD93
14Gad c 1 P02622 2.13 4.7324 6.0339 84AFLKAGDSD92
15Sco j 1 32363220 2.13 4.7324 6.0339 85AFLKAGDSD93
16Lat c 1.0201 Q6ITU9_LATCA 2.84 4.3367 5.7649 85TFLKAGDTD93
17Ras k 1.0101 A0A1B1V0G7_RASKA 2.85 4.3310 5.7610 85AFLKAGDTD93
18Clu h 1.0301 242253967 3.21 4.1325 5.6261 85KFLKAGDSD93
19Lat c 1.0101 Q5IRB2_LATCA 3.23 4.1220 5.6190 85EFLKAGDSD93
20Seb m 1.0201 242253961 3.23 4.1220 5.6190 86EFLKAGDSD94
21Sal s 1 Q91482 3.81 3.8034 5.4024 85AFLKAGDAD93
22Onc m 1.0101 P86431 3.81 3.8034 5.4024 84AFLKAGDAD92
23Clu h 1.0101 242253963 3.81 3.8034 5.4024 85AFLKAGDAD93
24Thu a 1.0101 242253957 4.87 3.2153 5.0028 85AFLMAGDSD93
25Cro p 1.0101 XP_019397705 5.13 3.0763 4.9083 85AFLAAGDTD93
26Lep w 1.0101 208608077 5.51 2.8671 4.7660 84NFLKAGDVD92
27Sola l 2.0201 Q8RVW4_SOLLC 5.68 2.7680 4.6987 190IMLYTGDTD198
28Lyc e 2.0102 18542115 5.68 2.7680 4.6987 190IMLYTGDTD198
29Clu h 1.0201 242253965 6.08 2.5487 4.5497 85AFLAAGDAD93
30Lep d 13 Q9U5P1 6.74 2.1848 4.3023 83VIVKDGDNK91
31Ulo c 1.0101 A0A3G3LP85_9PLEO 6.80 2.1507 4.2791 107LLLKQGVSD115
32Ani s 4.0101 110346533 6.82 2.1384 4.2708 81ILVKDGDHQ89
33Sola t 3.0101 O24383 6.84 2.1288 4.2643 70VFIRKSESD78
34Ory s 33kD 16580747 6.86 2.1211 4.2591 159VMLRVGDLD167
35Ory s 33kD 4126809 6.86 2.1211 4.2591 159VMLRVGDLD167
36Aed a 1 P50635 6.93 2.0815 4.2321 92IYLNAGDNF100
37Sola t 3.0102 20141344 6.97 2.0583 4.2163 105VFVRKSESD113
38Tab y 1.0101 323473390 6.99 2.0466 4.2084 86IFLNAADNY94
39Lyc e 2.0101 287474 7.02 2.0285 4.1961 98MMLYTGDTD106
40Lyc e 2.0102 546937 7.02 2.0285 4.1961 190MMLYTGDTD198
41Sola l 2.0101 Q547Q0_SOLLC 7.02 2.0285 4.1961 190MMLYTGDTD198
42Lyc e 2.0101 18542113 7.02 2.0285 4.1961 190MMLYTGDTD198
43Amb a 1 166443 7.14 1.9646 4.1526 188ILRQASDGD196
44Amb a 1 P27761 7.14 1.9646 4.1526 188ILRQASDGD196
45Blo t 7.0101 ASX95438 7.19 1.9347 4.1324 76ATLELGDSD84
46Sar sa 1.0101 193247971 7.22 1.9178 4.1209 85KFLKAGDNV93
47Pen c 3 5326864 7.31 1.8695 4.0880 1MSLKAGDSF9
48Mala s 10 28564467 7.33 1.8602 4.0817 200IFVDIGHSS208
49Asp f 4 O60024 7.35 1.8467 4.0726 160LHLEAGETK168
50Gal d 8.0101 C1L370_CHICK 7.36 1.8453 4.0716 85ALLAAGDKD93

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.696944
Standard deviation: 1.810833
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 4
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 10
6 3.0 2
7 3.5 3
8 4.0 3
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 9
15 7.5 16
16 8.0 21
17 8.5 36
18 9.0 96
19 9.5 101
20 10.0 160
21 10.5 209
22 11.0 276
23 11.5 215
24 12.0 207
25 12.5 192
26 13.0 58
27 13.5 25
28 14.0 8
29 14.5 8
30 15.0 4
31 15.5 9
32 16.0 7
33 16.5 4
34 17.0 4
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 2

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.203378
Standard deviation: 2.664305
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 4
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 10
6 3.0 2
7 3.5 3
8 4.0 3
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 1
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 9
15 7.5 16
16 8.0 21
17 8.5 41
18 9.0 114
19 9.5 149
20 10.0 310
21 10.5 532
22 11.0 757
23 11.5 1172
24 12.0 1817
25 12.5 2856
26 13.0 4008
27 13.5 5399
28 14.0 7559
29 14.5 10414
30 15.0 13064
31 15.5 15181
32 16.0 18153
33 16.5 21577
34 17.0 24478
35 17.5 27159
36 18.0 28317
37 18.5 29104
38 19.0 29487
39 19.5 28476
40 20.0 26197
41 20.5 24092
42 21.0 20170
43 21.5 17053
44 22.0 13217
45 22.5 10550
46 23.0 6916
47 23.5 5075
48 24.0 3231
49 24.5 1783
50 25.0 899
51 25.5 504
52 26.0 244
53 26.5 51
54 27.0 16
Query sequence: IFLKAGDSD

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