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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: IFRSLSKED

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Alt a 2 4097481 0.00 6.7896 6.8410 12IFRSLSKED20
2Fag e 1 29839419 5.80 3.1254 4.6493 291IFRNVDQET299
3Fag e 1 2317670 5.80 3.1254 4.6493 321IFRNVDQET329
4Hev b 7.02 3288200 6.01 2.9918 4.5694 300LFKSLDCED308
5Hev b 7.02 3087805 6.01 2.9918 4.5694 300LFKSLDCED308
6Hev b 7.01 1916805 6.01 2.9918 4.5694 300LFKSLDCED308
7Lep d 13 Q9U5P1 6.26 2.8325 4.4741 50IFRSLSTFK58
8Der f 13.0101 37958167 6.26 2.8325 4.4741 50IFRSLSTFK58
9Asp t 36.0101 Q0CJH1_ASPTN 6.71 2.5460 4.3027 149VAKELSKEQ157
10Rap v 2.0101 QPB41107 6.77 2.5097 4.2810 358IVQDLTKRN366
11Gos h 2 P09799 6.79 2.4954 4.2724 358MFRKASQEQ366
12Gos h 1 P09801.1 6.79 2.4954 4.2724 357MFRKASQEQ365
13Der p 13.0101 E0A8N8_DERPT 6.87 2.4486 4.2445 50VFRSLSTFK58
14Blo t 13 Q17284 6.87 2.4486 4.2445 49VFRSLSTFK57
15Can f 2 O18874 6.95 2.3955 4.2127 138MVRDLSRQQ146
16Fag e 1 2317674 6.96 2.3917 4.2104 255LFRDVDRET263
17Cor a 1.0301 1321733 7.01 2.3574 4.1899 114ILKSISKYH122
18Asp o 21 166531 7.04 2.3420 4.1807 157VFKPFSSQD165
19Asp o 21 217823 7.04 2.3420 4.1807 157VFKPFSSQD165
20Gly m glycinin G2 295800 7.07 2.3173 4.1659 236IVRNLQGEN244
21Gly m 6.0201 P04405 7.07 2.3173 4.1659 236IVRNLQGEN244
22Pla a 1 29839547 7.13 2.2800 4.1436 152IVSPVTKEN160
23Pen c 32.0101 121584258 7.29 2.1823 4.0852 88IIRNLGVEK96
24Gly m conglycinin 256427 7.31 2.1706 4.0782 209VIVELSKEQ217
25Lep d 7 Q9U1G2 7.35 2.1417 4.0609 37IVKSLTTKK45
26Pru du 10.0101 MDL2_PRUDU 7.38 2.1273 4.0522 99FVYNLQQED107
27Jug r 6.0101 VCL6_JUGRE 7.39 2.1151 4.0450 277QIRSMSKHE285
28Sola t 3.0102 20141344 7.41 2.1063 4.0397 21FARSFTSEN29
29Asp f 9 2879890 7.43 2.0928 4.0316 190VVRTLTYND198
30Asp f 16 3643813 7.43 2.0928 4.0316 180VVRTLTYND188
31Mala s 10 28564467 7.44 2.0875 4.0285 529IVKKLQRKD537
32Ses i 3 13183177 7.49 2.0564 4.0098 333FFKSFSDEI341
33Rho m 1.0101 Q870B9 7.51 2.0450 4.0030 193HLKSLTKKK201
34Sola t 1 21512 7.53 2.0280 3.9929 350LKKSVSKDN358
35Art fr 5.0101 A7L499 7.61 1.9782 3.9631 57IFSQVKKEK65
36Bos d 8 162929 7.65 1.9554 3.9494 58VVRNANEEE66
37Bos d 10.0101 CASA2_BOVIN 7.65 1.9554 3.9494 58VVRNANEEE66
38Ana o 2 25991543 7.65 1.9550 3.9492 218LIKQLKSED226
39Tyr p 13 51860756 7.69 1.9299 3.9342 104IVREFSEEG112
40Der f 37.0101 QBF67839 7.72 1.9122 3.9236 236IIETTTQEN244
41Amb a 10.0101 Q2KN25 7.72 1.9112 3.9230 41ILKSLGSDT49
42Aca s 13 118638268 7.82 1.8493 3.8860 104IVREFSDEG112
43Pis v 2.0101 110349082 7.82 1.8468 3.8845 251LARRLQKEK259
44Per a 5.0101 AUW37958 7.83 1.8425 3.8819 161IVSSVSTAD169
45Per a 5.0102 AEV23867 7.83 1.8425 3.8819 161IVSSVSTAD169
46Gal d vitellogenin 212881 7.84 1.8355 3.8777 592HMKSLSKSR600
47Gal d vitellogenin 63887 7.84 1.8355 3.8777 590HMKSLSKSR598
48Pan h 1.0201 XP_026803769 7.84 1.8306 3.8748 67VLKGFSKDG75
49Zan b 2.0101 QYU76045 7.86 1.8225 3.8700 194IIRRLQKPQ202
50Zan b 2.0102 QYU76046 7.86 1.8225 3.8700 194IIRRLQKPQ202

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.740530
Standard deviation: 1.581914
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 5
14 7.0 8
15 7.5 16
16 8.0 28
17 8.5 69
18 9.0 103
19 9.5 112
20 10.0 168
21 10.5 202
22 11.0 254
23 11.5 207
24 12.0 165
25 12.5 197
26 13.0 76
27 13.5 29
28 14.0 14
29 14.5 11
30 15.0 10
31 15.5 10
32 16.0 3
33 16.5 3
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.092484
Standard deviation: 2.644729
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 5
14 7.0 8
15 7.5 16
16 8.0 33
17 8.5 77
18 9.0 123
19 9.5 188
20 10.0 343
21 10.5 525
22 11.0 892
23 11.5 1340
24 12.0 2045
25 12.5 3246
26 13.0 4232
27 13.5 5913
28 14.0 7857
29 14.5 11326
30 15.0 12943
31 15.5 15620
32 16.0 18571
33 16.5 21995
34 17.0 24178
35 17.5 27572
36 18.0 29385
37 18.5 29662
38 19.0 29238
39 19.5 28902
40 20.0 26282
41 20.5 23306
42 21.0 20330
43 21.5 15729
44 22.0 12548
45 22.5 9973
46 23.0 6530
47 23.5 4017
48 24.0 2650
49 24.5 1353
50 25.0 741
51 25.5 312
52 26.0 130
53 26.5 50
54 27.0 2
Query sequence: IFRSLSKED

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