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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: IKQKMLYSS

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Der p 31.0101 QAT18642 0.00 7.9005 7.2323 102IKQKMLYSS110
2Der f 31.0101 AIO08870 0.00 7.9005 7.2323 102IKQKMLYSS110
3Cav p 4.0101 Q6WDN9_CAVPO 4.85 4.3835 5.2530 209IKEKALVSS217
4Equ c 3 399672 6.14 3.4420 4.7232 208LKERILLSS216
5Can f 3 P49822 6.26 3.3567 4.6751 209LREKVLLSS217
6Bos d 6 2190337 6.44 3.2276 4.6025 208MREKVLTSS216
7Amb a 2 P27762 6.67 3.0621 4.5094 128LQQEMVVTS136
8Fel d 2 P49064 6.82 2.9518 4.4473 209LREKVLASS217
9Tri a 33.0101 5734506 6.86 2.9211 4.4300 206IQTPFMYSS214
10Der p 1.0124 256095986 7.12 2.7351 4.3254 57FKNRFLMSA65
11Der p 1 P08176 7.12 2.7351 4.3254 75FKNRFLMSA83
12Der p 1.0113 76097505 7.12 2.7351 4.3254 57FKNRFLMSA65
13Bos d 6 P02769 7.30 2.6007 4.2497 208MREKVLASS216
14Sol i 1.0101 51093373 7.31 2.5946 4.2463 36LKQSCVYGN44
15Ziz m 1.0101 Q2VST0 7.38 2.5447 4.2182 321LRTKFMYQN329
16Tri a 32.0101 34539782 7.43 2.5071 4.1970 138VKLSFLYPS146
17Cha o 3.0101 GH5FP_CHAOB 7.50 2.4578 4.1693 262FKEKIVYEG270
18Mor a 2.0101 QOS47419 7.56 2.4149 4.1452 644IHTHMCYSN652
19Sal k 3.0101 225810599 7.56 2.4149 4.1452 644IHTHMCYSN652
20Sus s 1.0101 ALBU_PIG 7.64 2.3576 4.1129 208LREKVLTSA216
21Der p 9.0101 31745576 7.69 2.3179 4.0905 122IYRHNLYSS130
22Der p 9.0102 37654735 7.69 2.3179 4.0905 136IYRHNLYSS144
23Blo t 4.0101 33667932 7.73 2.2929 4.0765 249IYHEVIYSN257
24Tri a glutenin 886965 7.75 2.2739 4.0658 175ARSQMLWQS183
25Tri a glutenin 886967 7.75 2.2739 4.0658 190ARSQMLWQS198
26Der f 1.0109 119633262 7.87 2.1877 4.0173 75FKNRYLMSA83
27Der f 1.0101 27530349 7.87 2.1877 4.0173 75FKNRYLMSA83
28Der f 1.0105 2428875 7.87 2.1877 4.0173 57FKNRYLMSA65
29Der f 1.0108 119633260 7.87 2.1877 4.0173 75FKNRYLMSA83
30Der f 1 P16311 7.87 2.1877 4.0173 75FKNRYLMSA83
31Der f 1.0107 2428875 7.87 2.1877 4.0173 57FKNRYLMSA65
32Der f 1.0102 2428875 7.87 2.1877 4.0173 57FKNRYLMSA65
33Der f 1.0103 2428875 7.87 2.1877 4.0173 57FKNRYLMSA65
34Der f 1.0110 119633264 7.87 2.1877 4.0173 75FKNRYLMSA83
35Der f 1.0104 2428875 7.87 2.1877 4.0173 57FKNRYLMSA65
36Pol d 3.0101 XP_015174445 7.92 2.1502 3.9962 357IKNLFFYNG365
37Cla h 6 467660 7.92 2.1502 3.9962 6IHSRYVYDS14
38Rho m 1.0101 Q870B9 7.92 2.1502 3.9962 6IHSRYVYDS14
39Cla h 6 P42040 7.92 2.1502 3.9962 6IHSRYVYDS14
40Dau c 1.0201 18652047 7.93 2.1456 3.9936 114VKNTTIYNT122
41Api g 1.0201 P92918 7.93 2.1456 3.9936 114VKNTTIYNT122
42Fus p 9.0101 A0A0U1Y1N5_GIBIN 7.96 2.1235 3.9811 28TFNKYLYSS36
43Mac i 1.0201 AMP22_MACIN 8.00 2.0955 3.9654 458FNKRPLYSN466
44Mac i 1.0101 AMP23_MACIN 8.00 2.0955 3.9654 417FNKRPLYSN425
45Hal d 1 9954249 8.04 2.0663 3.9489 4IKKKMLAMK12
46Hal l 1.0101 APG42675 8.04 2.0663 3.9489 4IKKKMLAMK12
47Hel as 1 4468224 8.04 2.0663 3.9489 4IKKKMLAMK12
48Aed a 10.0201 Q17H80_AEDAE 8.07 2.0440 3.9364 73EKEKLLTST81
49Eur m 1.0102 3941390 8.14 1.9895 3.9058 75FKNQFLMNA83
50Eur m 1.0101 P25780 8.14 1.9895 3.9058 75FKNQFLMNA83

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.884787
Standard deviation: 1.377732
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 3
14 7.0 3
15 7.5 8
16 8.0 27
17 8.5 19
18 9.0 41
19 9.5 64
20 10.0 190
21 10.5 283
22 11.0 315
23 11.5 254
24 12.0 199
25 12.5 121
26 13.0 66
27 13.5 66
28 14.0 10
29 14.5 10
30 15.0 8
31 15.5 2
32 16.0 3
33 16.5 0
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 1
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.705482
Standard deviation: 2.448119
1 0.5 2
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 3
14 7.0 3
15 7.5 8
16 8.0 27
17 8.5 19
18 9.0 43
19 9.5 85
20 10.0 252
21 10.5 537
22 11.0 881
23 11.5 1373
24 12.0 2120
25 12.5 2918
26 13.0 4519
27 13.5 7130
28 14.0 9004
29 14.5 12145
30 15.0 14863
31 15.5 18288
32 16.0 22554
33 16.5 24871
34 17.0 28900
35 17.5 30770
36 18.0 31238
37 18.5 32014
38 19.0 30111
39 19.5 28874
40 20.0 24883
41 20.5 20991
42 21.0 16637
43 21.5 12871
44 22.0 9000
45 22.5 5386
46 23.0 3362
47 23.5 1981
48 24.0 998
49 24.5 360
50 25.0 129
51 25.5 38
Query sequence: IKQKMLYSS

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