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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: INELSTSHH

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Chi t 6.0201 1707911 0.00 7.4873 7.1612 104INELSTSHH112
2Chi t 4 121256 4.81 3.9022 5.0863 91LNQLGTSHK99
3Bla g 2 P54958 4.84 3.8842 5.0758 115ISNLTTSQQ123
4Blo t 6.0101 33667934 6.12 2.9242 4.5202 102INRLGTNQR110
5Gly d 2.0101 6179520 6.17 2.8870 4.4988 13IKELSVSNC21
6Ses i 3 13183177 6.54 2.6112 4.3391 559VEEVSRSQQ567
7Asp f 29.0101 91680608 6.61 2.5631 4.3113 44FQRLSTSEE52
8Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 6.71 2.4853 4.2663 466ISELESNMQ474
9Der f 27.0101 AIO08851 6.89 2.3515 4.1888 391LSALETSHT399
10Chi t 5 2506461 6.95 2.3056 4.1622 103AKELATSHK111
11Bla g 11.0101 Q2L7A6_BLAGE 7.00 2.2742 4.1441 224VNNLNTDHG232
12Cuc m 1 807698 7.00 2.2741 4.1440 106MNELHTTRS114
13Der p 36.0101 ATI08932 7.13 2.1714 4.0846 174WNHLGTSNN182
14Mal d 1.0108 AAD29671 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
15Mal d 1 4590382 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
16Mal d 1.0102 CAA88833 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
17Mal d 1 4590380 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
18Mal d 1.0104 AAD26552 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
19Mal d 1.0106 AAD26554 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
20Mal d 1 886683 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
21Mal d 1.0105 AAD26553 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
22Mal d 1 4590364 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
23Mal d 1.0109 AAK13029 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
24Mal d 1 4590378 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
25Mal d 1.0107 AAD26555.1 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
26Mal d 1 4590376 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
27Mal d 1 747852 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
28Mal d 1.0101 CAA58646 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
29Mal d 1.0103 AAD26546 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 75IDEASYSYS83
30Mal d 1 P43211 7.14 2.1696 4.0835 74IDEASYSYS82
31Pla l 1.0103 14422363 7.20 2.1233 4.0567 26INELSERMA34
32Pla l 1 28380114 7.20 2.1233 4.0567 26INELSERMA34
33Pyr c 1 O65200 7.21 2.1188 4.0541 75IDEASYSYA83
34Vig r 6.0101 Q9ZWP8 7.36 2.0007 3.9858 71ITEFDESSH79
35Vig r 6.0101 Q9ZWP8 7.38 1.9847 3.9766 59LPEVSPSYQ67
36Len c 3.0101 A0AT29 7.39 1.9827 3.9753 84ITKLNTNNA92
37Alt a 13.0101 Q6R4B4 7.44 1.9459 3.9541 35LDELGVPHE43
38Amb a 6 O04004 7.45 1.9371 3.9490 57VNNLNNSRK65
39Chi t 8 121237 7.48 1.9126 3.9348 90IDGLASSHK98
40Pen ch 18 7963902 7.57 1.8480 3.8974 64LQEVHTAHT72
41Mala s 11 28569698 7.59 1.8328 3.8886 72VNNLNASTK80
42Zea m 8.0101 CHIA_MAIZE 7.59 1.8322 3.8882 151ISEINKSNA159
43Der p 11 37778944 7.60 1.8237 3.8833 638VNELTTINV646
44Der f 11.0101 13785807 7.60 1.8237 3.8833 552VNELTTINV560
45Blo t 11 21954740 7.60 1.8237 3.8833 638VNELTTINV646
46Pen m 8.0101 F8QN77_PENMO 7.63 1.7994 3.8693 252VSELLTSLR260
47Ves v 3.0101 167782086 7.63 1.7987 3.8689 563IDAASYGHQ571
48Len c 1.0102 29539111 7.63 1.7986 3.8688 205IKELSKNAK213
49Asp f 10 963013 7.65 1.7883 3.8629 112SSELSASQS120
50For t 2.0101 188572343 7.65 1.7861 3.8616 192INDLQLSKD200

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.048685
Standard deviation: 1.342089
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 2
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 26
16 8.0 35
17 8.5 81
18 9.0 210
19 9.5 186
20 10.0 318
21 10.5 275
22 11.0 189
23 11.5 125
24 12.0 112
25 12.5 74
26 13.0 25
27 13.5 4
28 14.0 12
29 14.5 7
30 15.0 2
31 15.5 2
32 16.0 0
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 16.606471
Standard deviation: 2.318963
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 2
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 27
16 8.0 37
17 8.5 97
18 9.0 270
19 9.5 344
20 10.0 776
21 10.5 1124
22 11.0 1783
23 11.5 3151
24 12.0 4281
25 12.5 6237
26 13.0 9283
27 13.5 11649
28 14.0 15297
29 14.5 18888
30 15.0 22914
31 15.5 26808
32 16.0 30126
33 16.5 32511
34 17.0 33607
35 17.5 34037
36 18.0 32533
37 18.5 28818
38 19.0 24472
39 19.5 19993
40 20.0 15556
41 20.5 10460
42 21.0 7156
43 21.5 3896
44 22.0 2500
45 22.5 1015
46 23.0 383
47 23.5 120
48 24.0 29
49 24.5 5
Query sequence: INELSTSHH

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