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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: KLAAKDLED

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Cic a 1.0101 QHW05434.1 0.00 6.3894 6.7242 54KLAAKDLED62
2Cic a 1.0101 QHW05434.1 3.62 4.1269 5.3523 17KLAAKDIGD25
3Chi t 9 121259 5.15 3.1743 4.7747 46KFAGKDLEA54
4Asc l 3.0101 224016002 5.32 3.0633 4.7074 107KLATEKLEE115
5Chi t 1.01 121219 5.40 3.0127 4.6767 55QFAGKDLES63
6Chi t 3 1707908 5.72 2.8119 4.5550 57QFAGKDLET65
7Gly m TI 256635 5.86 2.7305 4.5056 131KLAARDTVD139
8Myr p 1 Q07932 6.01 2.6362 4.4484 23NVEAKDLAD31
9Tri r 4.0101 5813788 6.21 2.5100 4.3719 304QMAAKNYES312
10Dic v a 763532 6.23 2.4953 4.3630 862QKAAKELKD870
11Xip g 1.0101 222352959 6.31 2.4491 4.3350 72KAAARPLTD80
12Ani s 3 Q9NAS5 6.31 2.4478 4.3342 107KLATAKLEE115
13Blo t 5 O96870 6.42 2.3746 4.2898 115KILLKDLKE123
14Chi t 2.0101 2506460 6.56 2.2916 4.2395 56QFAGKDLDS64
15Chi t 5 2506461 6.56 2.2916 4.2395 57QFAGKDLDS65
16Chi t 1.0201 121227 6.56 2.2916 4.2395 55QFAGKDLDS63
17Chi t 2.0102 540257 6.56 2.2916 4.2395 56QFAGKDLDS64
18Chi t 8 121237 6.56 2.2916 4.2395 44QFAGKDLDS52
19Pro c 5.0101 MLC1_PROCL 6.62 2.2521 4.2155 4DLSARDVER12
20Scy p 3.0101 A0A514C9K9_SCYPA 6.62 2.2521 4.2155 4DLSARDVER12
21Blo t 11 21954740 6.67 2.2240 4.1985 40RLLSEDLES48
22Ziz m 1.0101 Q2VST0 6.71 2.1992 4.1835 162DVLARNLKD170
23Lep d 10 Q9NFZ4 6.79 2.1467 4.1516 107KIATSKLEE115
24Der p 11 37778944 6.79 2.1443 4.1502 40RLLSDDLES48
25Der p 13.0101 E0A8N8_DERPT 6.84 2.1147 4.1323 30KTAAKTLKP38
26Blo t 13 Q17284 6.84 2.1147 4.1323 29KTAAKTLKP37
27Der f 13.0101 37958167 6.84 2.1147 4.1323 30KTAAKTLKP38
28Aed a 10.0201 Q17H80_AEDAE 6.84 2.1133 4.1314 65EQANKDLEE73
29Tab y 2.0101 304273371 6.96 2.0370 4.0851 105KLLEKDINE113
30Lep s 1 20387027 6.98 2.0264 4.0787 65ATANKNLED73
31Act d a 450239 7.02 2.0039 4.0651 94EAAAKEVEA102
32Ani s 2 8117843 7.04 1.9885 4.0557 448KLHELDLEN456
33Bra r 5.0101 P69197 7.12 1.9416 4.0273 20KISAAELEE28
34Bla g 9.0101 ABC86902 7.12 1.9393 4.0259 16KLAASDSKS24
35Plo i 1 25453077 7.12 1.9393 4.0259 16KLAASDSKS24
36Der p 10 O18416 7.16 1.9132 4.0100 107KIATAKLEE115
37Der f 10.0101 1359436 7.16 1.9132 4.0100 122KIATAKLEE130
38Chi t 6.0201 1707911 7.17 1.9100 4.0081 58QFAGKDLAS66
39Chi t 7 56405054 7.17 1.9100 4.0081 58QFAGKDLAS66
40Chi t 7 56405055 7.17 1.9100 4.0081 58QFAGKDLAS66
41Cav p 3.0101 325910592 7.22 1.8759 3.9874 32SIAADNVEK40
42Bla g 12.0101 AII81930 7.25 1.8578 3.9764 392NVLAKNMKD400
43Per a 1.0102 2897849 7.26 1.8533 3.9737 40TRAARNLQD48
44Per a 1.0103 2580504 7.26 1.8533 3.9737 207TRAARNLQD215
45Per a 1.0101 4240399 7.26 1.8533 3.9737 43TRAARNLQD51
46Pen m 6.0101 317383200 7.26 1.8498 3.9716 42KISEKNLQE50
47Hom a 6.0101 P29291 7.26 1.8498 3.9716 42KISEKNLQE50
48Cho a 10.0101 AEX31649 7.29 1.8333 3.9616 107KVATAKLEE115
49Tyr p 10.0101 48249227 7.29 1.8333 3.9616 107KVATAKLEE115
50Blo t 10.0101 15693888 7.29 1.8333 3.9616 107KVATAKLEE115

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.224536
Standard deviation: 1.600224
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 3
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 6
14 7.0 17
15 7.5 60
16 8.0 38
17 8.5 118
18 9.0 102
19 9.5 134
20 10.0 215
21 10.5 265
22 11.0 278
23 11.5 183
24 12.0 93
25 12.5 97
26 13.0 15
27 13.5 21
28 14.0 14
29 14.5 10
30 15.0 5
31 15.5 10
32 16.0 3
33 16.5 5
34 17.0 2

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.746104
Standard deviation: 2.639143
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 1
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 3
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 6
14 7.0 17
15 7.5 62
16 8.0 51
17 8.5 134
18 9.0 182
19 9.5 247
20 10.0 516
21 10.5 949
22 11.0 1315
23 11.5 1928
24 12.0 2746
25 12.5 4026
26 13.0 5291
27 13.5 7161
28 14.0 9170
29 14.5 12633
30 15.0 14450
31 15.5 18020
32 16.0 20821
33 16.5 23650
34 17.0 25994
35 17.5 28184
36 18.0 29489
37 18.5 30474
38 19.0 28938
39 19.5 27410
40 20.0 25137
41 20.5 21908
42 21.0 18083
43 21.5 12969
44 22.0 10538
45 22.5 7532
46 23.0 4665
47 23.5 2810
48 24.0 1479
49 24.5 760
50 25.0 304
51 25.5 102
52 26.0 33
Query sequence: KLAAKDLED

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