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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: LEGKDINEL

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Alt a 6 P42037 0.00 6.0820 6.7444 46LEGKDINEL54
2Cla h 5.0101 P42039 0.00 6.0820 6.7444 46LEGKDINEL54
3Cla h 10.0101 P42039 0.00 6.0820 6.7444 46LEGKDINEL54
4Cla h 5.0101 5777795 0.00 6.0820 6.7444 46LEGKDINEL54
5Alt a 6 1850540 0.00 6.0820 6.7444 46LEGKDINEL54
6Pen cr 26.0101 371537645 1.49 5.2262 6.1990 51LEGKDIKEL59
7Asp f 8 Q9UUZ6 1.82 5.0397 6.0802 46LEGKDLQEL54
8Fus c 1 19879657 2.12 4.8700 5.9720 46LEGKDIQQL54
9Pen b 26.0101 59894749 2.35 4.7361 5.8867 51LEGKDIKEI59
10Alt a 12 P49148 3.25 4.2173 5.5560 51LEGKDVKDL59
11Cla h 12 P50344 3.25 4.2173 5.5560 51LEGKDVKDL59
12Pru du 5.0101 Q8H2B9 3.47 4.0948 5.4779 46VKGKDITEL54
13Asp f 9 2879890 5.06 3.1813 4.8957 122LESDDLDEV130
14Asp f 16 3643813 5.06 3.1813 4.8957 112LESDDLDEV120
15Poly p 1.0101 124518469 5.55 2.9041 4.7190 164FAGKEVQEL172
16Ves v 1 P49369 5.81 2.7548 4.6239 181FAGKKVQEL189
17Vesp c 1.0101 P49369 5.81 2.7548 4.6239 145FAGKKVQEL153
18Cas s 1 16555781 6.02 2.6354 4.5478 87IEGDVVNEL95
19Dol m 1.0101 Q06478 6.13 2.5679 4.5048 162FAGKRVQEL170
20Ves m 1 P51528 6.13 2.5679 4.5048 145FAGKRVQEL153
21Amb a 10.0101 Q2KN25 6.33 2.4581 4.4348 83SEGDEINDL91
22Clu h 1.0301 242253967 6.53 2.3436 4.3618 36LKGKSGDEL44
23Mala f 3 P56578 6.70 2.2425 4.2974 71LKSKGVDEV79
24Sor h 1.0101 P56578 6.72 2.2316 4.2905 5AKGKNITET13
25Ana o 3 24473800 6.77 2.2042 4.2730 105IKGEEVREL113
26Der f 39.0101 QBF67841 6.79 2.1899 4.2638 45FEEKDLQQL53
27Dic v a 763532 6.80 2.1853 4.2609 179TAGKSFNEI187
28Ves s 1.0101 3989146 6.83 2.1668 4.2491 142FAGKEVQKL150
29Pol a 1 Q9U6W0 6.83 2.1668 4.2491 146FAGKEVQKL154
30Pol e 1.0101 3989146 6.83 2.1668 4.2491 148FAGKEVQKL156
31Cop c 2 Q9UW02 7.02 2.0630 4.1830 81KDGQKIDEL89
32Sco j 1 32363220 7.13 2.0001 4.1429 36LSGKSTDEV44
33Aed a 8.0101 Q1HR69_AEDAE 7.13 1.9962 4.1404 313YEGDDFSET321
34Can s 5.0101 AFN42528 7.15 1.9833 4.1322 92LEGNQLEKI100
35Mal d 1.0302 AAK13027.1 7.19 1.9654 4.1208 87IEGDAISET95
36Fag s 1.0101 212291470 7.19 1.9654 4.1208 87IEGDAISET95
37Mal d 1.0301 CAA96534 7.19 1.9654 4.1208 87IEGDAISET95
38Mal d 1 1313966 7.19 1.9654 4.1208 87IEGDAISET95
39Mal d 1.0303 AAK13028 7.19 1.9654 4.1208 87IEGDAISET95
40Mal d 1.0304 AAO25113 7.19 1.9654 4.1208 87IEGDAISET95
41Ric c 1 P01089 7.21 1.9541 4.1136 230LQGQDVFEA238
42Chi t 2.0102 540257 7.23 1.9424 4.1061 57FAGKDLDSI65
43Chi t 2.0101 2506460 7.23 1.9424 4.1061 57FAGKDLDSI65
44Chi t 1.0201 121227 7.23 1.9424 4.1061 56FAGKDLDSI64
45Chi t 8 121237 7.23 1.9424 4.1061 45FAGKDLDSI53
46Chi t 5 2506461 7.23 1.9424 4.1061 58FAGKDLDSI66
47Alt a 10 P42041 7.23 1.9394 4.1042 334LQGPQVSQL342
48Ana o 1.0102 21666498 7.24 1.9333 4.1004 503MEGEEVDKV511
49Ana o 1.0101 21914823 7.24 1.9333 4.1004 505MEGEEVDKV513
50Ani s 4.0101 110346533 7.28 1.9128 4.0873 41LAGKSIAKI49

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.616613
Standard deviation: 1.745584
1 0.5 5
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 1
4 2.0 1
5 2.5 2
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 3
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 9
15 7.5 28
16 8.0 27
17 8.5 42
18 9.0 99
19 9.5 111
20 10.0 197
21 10.5 223
22 11.0 241
23 11.5 264
24 12.0 139
25 12.5 137
26 13.0 59
27 13.5 41
28 14.0 20
29 14.5 10
30 15.0 10
31 15.5 10
32 16.0 3
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 3
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.472137
Standard deviation: 2.738867
1 0.5 5
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 1
4 2.0 1
5 2.5 2
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 3
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 4
14 7.0 9
15 7.5 28
16 8.0 28
17 8.5 50
18 9.0 117
19 9.5 163
20 10.0 327
21 10.5 547
22 11.0 859
23 11.5 1315
24 12.0 1756
25 12.5 2660
26 13.0 3690
27 13.5 5105
28 14.0 6213
29 14.5 8623
30 15.0 11213
31 15.5 14203
32 16.0 16787
33 16.5 18842
34 17.0 22456
35 17.5 25289
36 18.0 26130
37 18.5 28973
38 19.0 28923
39 19.5 28593
40 20.0 27466
41 20.5 25109
42 21.0 22046
43 21.5 19570
44 22.0 15170
45 22.5 11974
46 23.0 9334
47 23.5 6398
48 24.0 4599
49 24.5 2825
50 25.0 1353
51 25.5 723
52 26.0 491
53 26.5 124
54 27.0 73
55 27.5 21
Query sequence: LEGKDINEL

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