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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: LKLGKYKEI

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Pol e 1.0101 3989146 0.00 6.1347 7.0391 156LKLGKYKEI164
2Pol d 1.0104 45510893 0.00 6.1347 7.0391 169LKLGKYKEI177
3Pol a 1 Q9U6W0 0.00 6.1347 7.0391 154LKLGKYKEI162
4Pol d 1.0101 45510887 0.00 6.1347 7.0391 190LKLGKYKEI198
5Pol d 1.0102 45510889 0.00 6.1347 7.0391 169LKLGKYKEI177
6Pol d 1.0103 45510891 0.00 6.1347 7.0391 169LKLGKYKEI177
7Ves v 1 P49369 1.90 5.0888 6.3329 189LKLGKYSEI197
8Ves m 1 P51528 1.90 5.0888 6.3329 153LKLGKYSEI161
9Dol m 1.0101 Q06478 3.31 4.3102 5.8072 170LKLGKFSEI178
10Vesp v 1.0101 PA1_VESVE 3.47 4.2221 5.7477 156FKLGKYPEI164
11Dol m 1.02 P53357 3.47 4.2221 5.7477 156FKLGKYPEI164
12Pol e 1.0101 3989146 3.90 3.9882 5.5898 122LKLGKYKVL130
13Ves s 1.0101 3989146 4.66 3.5653 5.3042 150LKLEKYSEI158
14Poly p 1.0101 124518469 5.24 3.2461 5.0887 172LKLNKYSNI180
15Vesp c 1.0101 124518469 5.31 3.2107 5.0648 153LGLGKYPEI161
16Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 6.14 2.7499 4.7537 1448LKLGKCAHV1456
17Asp n 14 4235093 6.60 2.4986 4.5841 741VKVGETREL749
18Asp n 14 2181180 6.60 2.4986 4.5841 741VKVGETREL749
19Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 6.68 2.4553 4.5548 1102LALGTYEKI1110
20Sol g 3.0101 G8IIT0 6.76 2.4119 4.5255 16MKIGHYTQI24
21Har a 2.0101 17291858 6.77 2.4025 4.5191 326LKIGDPTEV334
22Ves g 5 P35784 6.83 2.3720 4.4986 152LKIGHYTQM160
23Ves m 5 P35760 6.83 2.3720 4.4986 152LKIGHYTQM160
24Sol i 3 P35778 6.88 2.3415 4.4779 180MKVGHYTQI188
25Pol d 3.0101 XP_015174445 6.96 2.3005 4.4503 144TELGQYDKI152
26Bla g 3.0101 D0VNY7_BLAGE 7.01 2.2718 4.4309 438VKVGKLEDV446
27Hom s 1 2342526 7.02 2.2680 4.4284 140QKLGKIKTL148
28Hom s 1.0101 2723284 7.02 2.2680 4.4284 182QKLGKIKTL190
29Scy p 4.0101 SCP_SCYPA 7.08 2.2326 4.4044 160ISLNRYQEL168
30Sal k 3.0101 225810599 7.18 2.1792 4.3684 735LKTRKYNEV743
31Ves v 2.0101 P49370 7.31 2.1078 4.3202 62LKDGKYKKR70
32Gly m conglycinin 169927 7.33 2.0953 4.3118 30KKLGKFFEI38
33Gly m 5.0101 O22120 7.38 2.0695 4.2943 355NKLGKFFEI363
34Gly m conglycinin 18536 7.38 2.0695 4.2943 417NKLGKFFEI425
35Pon l 4.0101 P05946 7.42 2.0452 4.2779 159ISLARYQEL167
36Sal k 1.0302 59895728 7.56 1.9704 4.2274 62VKVGNTKRV70
37Sal k 1.0301 59895730 7.56 1.9704 4.2274 62VKVGNTKRV70
38Sal k 1.0201 51242679 7.56 1.9704 4.2274 85VKVGNTKRV93
39Act c 8.0101 281552896 7.57 1.9614 4.2213 134IKLGKEKAA142
40Mor a 2.0101 QOS47419 7.58 1.9563 4.2179 735LKTRKYSEV743
41Eur m 14 6492307 7.59 1.9541 4.2164 194QALGQLKEI202
42Pac c 3.0101 VA5_BRACH 7.61 1.9405 4.2072 149MKIGHYTQL157
43Aed a 5.0101 Q16XK7_AEDAE 7.68 1.9028 4.1818 160ITLQRYQEL168
44Dic v a 763532 7.70 1.8932 4.1753 97EEIGKLKEL105
45Poly p 5.0102 VA5_POLPI 7.79 1.8431 4.1415 155AKVGHYTQV163
46Poly s 5.0101 Q7Z156 7.79 1.8431 4.1415 155AKVGHYTQV163
47Ole e 11.0101 269996495 7.83 1.8188 4.1250 108VKIGMYKHY116
48Dol m 5.0101 P10736 7.90 1.7797 4.0987 183MVWGKTKEI191
49Dol a 5 Q05108 7.90 1.7797 4.0987 159MVWGKTKEI167
50Dol m 5.02 552080 7.90 1.7797 4.0987 171MVWGKTKEI179

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.134352
Standard deviation: 1.814967
1 0.5 6
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 2
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 3
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 8
15 7.5 10
16 8.0 28
17 8.5 22
18 9.0 74
19 9.5 91
20 10.0 126
21 10.5 192
22 11.0 167
23 11.5 222
24 12.0 208
25 12.5 243
26 13.0 118
27 13.5 60
28 14.0 45
29 14.5 27
30 15.0 17
31 15.5 9
32 16.0 5
33 16.5 6
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 1
38 19.0 1
39 19.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.921982
Standard deviation: 2.688138
1 0.5 6
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 2
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 3
8 4.0 1
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 2
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 9
15 7.5 10
16 8.0 28
17 8.5 27
18 9.0 76
19 9.5 116
20 10.0 169
21 10.5 316
22 11.0 460
23 11.5 685
24 12.0 1098
25 12.5 1832
26 13.0 2538
27 13.5 3656
28 14.0 4806
29 14.5 6581
30 15.0 8828
31 15.5 11477
32 16.0 14020
33 16.5 16705
34 17.0 19598
35 17.5 23339
36 18.0 24924
37 18.5 28210
38 19.0 29043
39 19.5 29531
40 20.0 29098
41 20.5 27459
42 21.0 24630
43 21.5 22011
44 22.0 19023
45 22.5 14869
46 23.0 11438
47 23.5 8602
48 24.0 6257
49 24.5 3937
50 25.0 2498
51 25.5 1423
52 26.0 547
53 26.5 253
54 27.0 49
Query sequence: LKLGKYKEI

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