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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: LNKIDAYKP

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Bet v 8.0101 AHF71027 0.00 7.1797 7.1851 209LNKIDAYKP217
2Jug r 4.0101 Q2TPW5 4.94 3.9281 5.2353 38LNRLDALEP46
3Car i 4.0101 158998780 4.94 3.9281 5.2353 39LNRLDALEP47
4Gly m glycinin G2 295800 5.33 3.6719 5.0817 30IQKLNALKP38
5Gly m 6.0101 P04776 5.33 3.6719 5.0817 33IQKLNALKP41
6Gly m 6.0201 P04405 5.33 3.6719 5.0817 30IQKLNALKP38
7Gly m glycinin G1 169973 5.33 3.6719 5.0817 33IQKLNALKP41
8Fel d 1 P30440 5.44 3.5981 5.0375 46LTKVNATEP54
9Fel d 1 395407 5.44 3.5981 5.0375 46LTKVNATEP54
10Tri a 32.0101 34539782 6.08 3.1786 4.7859 82TKDIEAYKP90
11Gly m 6.0301 P11828 6.13 3.1453 4.7660 33IQRLNALKP41
12Pru du 6.0101 307159112 6.19 3.1016 4.7397 34LNQLQAREP42
13Pru du 6 258588247 6.19 3.1016 4.7397 14LNQLQAREP22
14Cor a 9 18479082 6.25 3.0635 4.7169 40LDRLNALEP48
15Ves v 3.0101 167782086 6.29 3.0411 4.7035 290LNKIDLKAP298
16Gly m 6.0401 Q9SB11 6.29 3.0388 4.7021 34LNNLNALEP42
17Gly m 6.0501 Q7GC77 6.29 3.0388 4.7021 35LNNLNALEP43
18Pru du 6.0201 307159114 6.31 3.0238 4.6931 25LNQLEAREP33
19Ana o 2 25991543 6.45 2.9325 4.6384 27IDRLDALEP35
20Gly m TI 510515 6.59 2.8405 4.5832 197FQKVEAYES205
21Pis v 5.0101 171853009 6.61 2.8300 4.5769 35IDQLDALEP43
22Dau c 5.0101 H2DF86 6.85 2.6709 4.4815 115VDRVNAVEP123
23Gos h 4 P09800 6.92 2.6224 4.4524 52LQNLNALQP60
24Der p 15.0101 Q4JK69_DERPT 6.93 2.6202 4.4511 68FAKIDEYKY76
25Der p 15.0102 Q4JK70_DERPT 6.93 2.6202 4.4511 68FAKIDEYKY76
26Der f 15.0101 5815436 6.93 2.6202 4.4511 68FAKIDEYKY76
27Ara h 3 O82580 7.04 2.5450 4.4060 11FQRLNAQRP19
28Ara h 4 5712199 7.04 2.5450 4.4060 34FQRLNAQRP42
29Ara h 3 3703107 7.04 2.5450 4.4060 14FQRLNAQRP22
30Cul q 3.01 Q95V93_CULQU 7.15 2.4749 4.3640 110LGKIDAKDG118
31Ara h 8.0201 EF436550 7.20 2.4383 4.3420 68LHKIDAIDE76
32Pol d 3.0101 XP_015174445 7.32 2.3604 4.2953 290LNKINLEAP298
33Ole e 12.0101 ALL12_OLEEU 7.33 2.3538 4.2914 208LNKILYIKP216
34Cur l 2.0101 14585753 7.40 2.3069 4.2632 94LNKLDGTEN102
35Phl p 4.0101 54144332 7.43 2.2861 4.2507 335LNRNNTFKP343
36Lol p 4.0101 55859464 7.43 2.2861 4.2507 260LNRNNTFKP268
37Bet v 6.0101 4731376 7.44 2.2842 4.2496 208LNKIVYIKP216
38Bet v 6.0102 10764491 7.44 2.2842 4.2496 208LNKIVYIKP216
39Bla g 6.0301 82704036 7.50 2.2451 4.2262 56IDEVDADKS64
40Poa p 5 P22284 7.54 2.2133 4.2071 102APKVAAYTP110
41Asp fl protease 5702208 7.56 2.2050 4.2021 85INKFAAYAG93
42Asp o 13 2428 7.56 2.2050 4.2021 85INKFAAYAG93
43Phl p 4.0201 54144334 7.65 2.1444 4.1658 335LNRNNSFKP343
44Bla g 9.0101 ABC86902 7.65 2.1432 4.1651 333LTEYDAVKG341
45Bet v 6.0102 10764491 7.66 2.1348 4.1600 117VDRVHAVEP125
46Cor a 6.0101 A0A0U1VZC8_CORAV 7.66 2.1348 4.1600 117VDRVHAVEP125
47Bet v 6.0101 4731376 7.66 2.1348 4.1600 117VDRVHAVEP125
48Ara h 16.0101 A0A509ZX51_ARAHY 7.67 2.1318 4.1582 26CQKLRAQKP34
49Sin a 2.0101 Q2TLW0 7.76 2.0688 4.1205 39LDNLDVLQP47
50Poa p 5.0101 Q9FPR0 7.80 2.0437 4.1054 144VLKVHAVKP152

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.905118
Standard deviation: 1.518890
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 2
11 5.5 6
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 10
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 13
16 8.0 15
17 8.5 35
18 9.0 55
19 9.5 96
20 10.0 126
21 10.5 230
22 11.0 294
23 11.5 245
24 12.0 233
25 12.5 148
26 13.0 74
27 13.5 49
28 14.0 23
29 14.5 14
30 15.0 6
31 15.5 6
32 16.0 5
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 2
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.199977
Standard deviation: 2.533006
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 2
11 5.5 6
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 10
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 13
16 8.0 17
17 8.5 38
18 9.0 60
19 9.5 120
20 10.0 212
21 10.5 417
22 11.0 703
23 11.5 1148
24 12.0 1614
25 12.5 2353
26 13.0 3244
27 13.5 5088
28 14.0 6880
29 14.5 9565
30 15.0 12452
31 15.5 15048
32 16.0 18197
33 16.5 21496
34 17.0 24768
35 17.5 27804
36 18.0 29285
37 18.5 31703
38 19.0 31036
39 19.5 29935
40 20.0 27475
41 20.5 24977
42 21.0 20690
43 21.5 17489
44 22.0 12428
45 22.5 9362
46 23.0 6469
47 23.5 3918
48 24.0 2103
49 24.5 1145
50 25.0 608
51 25.5 227
52 26.0 72
53 26.5 10
Query sequence: LNKIDAYKP

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