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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: RGSSWEWNE

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Aed a 4.0101 MALT_AEDAE 0.00 7.9829 7.7493 165RGSSWEWNE173
2Api m 10.0101 94471622 6.35 3.6887 5.1291 66EGSNWNWNT74
3Api m 10.0101 94471624 6.35 3.6887 5.1291 22EGSNWNWNT30
4Cap a 1w 16609959 7.64 2.8208 4.5996 49RGQTWTINA57
5Cap a 1.0101 Q9ARG0_CAPAN 7.64 2.8208 4.5996 49RGQTWTINA57
6Gos h 1 P09801.1 8.15 2.4729 4.3873 461RQSSFEEEE469
7Jug r 4.0101 Q2TPW5 8.24 2.4165 4.3529 125QGQSREFQQ133
8Der f 1.0107 2428875 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 132RNTSLDLSE140
9Der f 1 7413 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 53RNTSLDLSE61
10Der f 1.0101 27530349 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 150RNTSLDLSE158
11Der f 1.0102 2428875 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 132RNTSLDLSE140
12Der f 1.0110 119633264 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 150RNTSLDLSE158
13Der f 1.0103 2428875 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 132RNTSLDLSE140
14Der f 1.0104 2428875 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 132RNTSLDLSE140
15Der f 1.0108 119633260 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 150RNTSLDLSE158
16Der f 1.0105 2428875 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 132RNTSLDLSE140
17Der f 1.0109 119633262 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 150RNTSLDLSE158
18Der f 1 P16311 8.34 2.3504 4.3125 150RNTSLDLSE158
19Eur m 14 6492307 8.38 2.3228 4.2957 1189KGNHYEYDS1197
20Eur m 14 6492307 8.40 2.3099 4.2879 1095RNSQMEVEE1103
21Der p 14.0101 20385544 8.40 2.3099 4.2879 1089RNSQMEVEE1097
22Der f 14 1545803 8.57 2.1898 4.2146 187RNSQIEVEE195
23Lyc e NP24 P12670 8.62 2.1560 4.1939 49RGQTWVINA57
24Bla g 6.0301 82704036 8.65 2.1364 4.1820 63KSGRLEFDE71
25Tri a 18 170670 8.70 2.1034 4.1618 33QGSNMECPN41
26Tri a 18 170666 8.70 2.1034 4.1618 32QGSNMECPN40
27Ole e 13.0101 ALL13_OLEEU 8.72 2.0898 4.1535 51QGQSWNINV59
28Ory s 1 8118425 8.74 2.0801 4.1477 37AGNGWDFNS45
29Hev b 14.0101 313870530 8.79 2.0423 4.1245 128HGSTLYWDD136
30Sola t 1 129641 8.84 2.0095 4.1045 196NGATYEFNL204
31Sola t 1 21514 8.84 2.0095 4.1045 205NGATYEFNL213
32Hev b 10.0103 10862818 8.84 2.0091 4.1043 123RGSGWVWLA131
33Tab y 2.0101 304273371 8.92 1.9544 4.0709 316WGSSFDLNS324
34Sola t 1 21510 8.95 1.9366 4.0601 325NGTTTEMDD333
35Tri a 18 170668 8.98 1.9127 4.0455 6QGSGMECPN14
36Gal d 3 P02789 9.00 1.9038 4.0401 493RTGTCNFDE501
37Gal d 3 757851 9.00 1.9038 4.0401 493RTGTCNFDE501
38Bos d 2.0103 11277082 9.01 1.8954 4.0349 119KGTSFTPEE127
39Bos d 2.0102 11277083 9.01 1.8954 4.0349 119KGTSFTPEE127
40Bos d 2.0101 Q28133 9.01 1.8954 4.0349 135KGTSFTPEE143
41Cyn d 15 32344781 9.02 1.8900 4.0316 63SGDSWTIDK71
42Pis s 1.0102 CAF25233 9.04 1.8722 4.0208 388PGSSHEVDR396
43Pis s 1.0101 CAF25232 9.04 1.8722 4.0208 388PGSSHEVDR396
44Gal d 3 757851 9.08 1.8493 4.0068 458KDSNVNWNN466
45Gal d 3 P02789 9.08 1.8493 4.0068 458KDSNVNWNN466
46Blo t 1.0201 33667928 9.08 1.8488 4.0065 154KQQSIELSE162
47Ole e 6 O24172 9.08 1.8487 4.0065 19KGNGFTFCE27
48Sola t 1 129641 9.09 1.8434 4.0032 316TGTTTEMDD324
49Sola t 1 169500 9.09 1.8434 4.0032 325TGTTTEMDD333
50Sola t 1 21514 9.09 1.8434 4.0032 325TGTTTEMDD333

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.813599
Standard deviation: 1.479865
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 0
16 8.0 2
17 8.5 15
18 9.0 16
19 9.5 56
20 10.0 70
21 10.5 106
22 11.0 189
23 11.5 266
24 12.0 239
25 12.5 272
26 13.0 148
27 13.5 129
28 14.0 79
29 14.5 56
30 15.0 16
31 15.5 13
32 16.0 7
33 16.5 7
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 3
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 1
39 19.5 1
40 20.0 0
41 20.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.794703
Standard deviation: 2.425331
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 0
15 7.5 0
16 8.0 2
17 8.5 16
18 9.0 16
19 9.5 65
20 10.0 79
21 10.5 138
22 11.0 259
23 11.5 518
24 12.0 757
25 12.5 1143
26 13.0 1634
27 13.5 2666
28 14.0 4200
29 14.5 6230
30 15.0 8386
31 15.5 11677
32 16.0 14038
33 16.5 17545
34 17.0 21254
35 17.5 24577
36 18.0 28271
37 18.5 31141
38 19.0 32750
39 19.5 32360
40 20.0 32133
41 20.5 28876
42 21.0 25595
43 21.5 21546
44 22.0 16650
45 22.5 12600
46 23.0 9481
47 23.5 6006
48 24.0 3624
49 24.5 2247
50 25.0 1085
51 25.5 428
52 26.0 149
53 26.5 46
Query sequence: RGSSWEWNE

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