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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: RLLTSDMKR

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Hor v 1 P01086 0.00 6.7783 7.0454 57RLLTSDMKR65
2Hor v 1 19009 0.00 6.7783 7.0454 57RLLTSDMKR65
3Hor v 1 1405736 0.00 6.7783 7.0454 57RLLTSDMKR65
4Amb a 1 P28744 4.66 3.8139 5.1901 308RFLASDIKK316
5Ara h 3 O82580 5.70 3.1571 4.7789 283RILSPDRKR291
6Ara h 3 3703107 5.70 3.1571 4.7789 286RILSPDRKR294
7Cra g 1 15419048 6.34 2.7474 4.5225 42QLLEEDMER50
8Sac g 1.0101 AVD53650 6.34 2.7474 4.5225 93QLLEEDMER101
9Der p 11 37778944 6.57 2.6043 4.4330 40RLLSDDLES48
10Tyr p 10.0101 48249227 6.60 2.5811 4.4185 226RIMTSKLKE234
11Sus s 1.0101 ALBU_PIG 6.61 2.5765 4.4155 211KVLTSAAKQ219
12Sola l 4.0201 NP_001275580 6.66 2.5480 4.3977 33KLLSHDVKS41
13Bos d 6 2190337 6.71 2.5112 4.3747 211KVLTSSARQ219
14Sol i 1.0101 51093373 6.72 2.5043 4.3704 209RICKSDAKR217
15Ani s 2 8117843 6.80 2.4578 4.3413 42RLLQDDFES50
16Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 7.01 2.3202 4.2552 959RLLTSTKHQ967
17Asp f 1 250902 7.08 2.2776 4.2285 21RLLYSQAKA29
18Asp f 1 P04389 7.08 2.2776 4.2285 48RLLYSQAKA56
19Pen c 13.0101 4587983 7.10 2.2679 4.2224 373QLATSSISR381
20Pen ch 13 6684758 7.10 2.2679 4.2224 373QLATSSISR381
21Api m 10.0101 94471624 7.16 2.2285 4.1978 42QTLQTHMKK50
22gal d 6.0101 P87498 7.19 2.2059 4.1836 380RFLRHKMER388
23Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 7.19 2.2059 4.1836 380RFLRHKMER388
24Blo t 11 21954740 7.27 2.1570 4.1530 40RLLSEDLES48
25Der p 10 O18416 7.33 2.1191 4.1293 226RIMTTKLKE234
26Lep d 10 Q9NFZ4 7.33 2.1191 4.1293 226RIMTTKLKE234
27Lat c 6.0301 XP_018522130 7.33 2.1189 4.1292 1247RLLSNQASQ1255
28Chi k 10 7321108 7.33 2.1175 4.1283 93QLLGEDLDR101
29Lyc e 4.0101 2887310 7.39 2.0788 4.1041 33KLLSQHVKN41
30Sola l 4.0101 AHC08073 7.39 2.0788 4.1041 33KLLSQHVKN41
31Api m 5.0101 B2D0J4 7.41 2.0703 4.0987 28RVIDQDLER36
32Pol e 5.0101 51093375 7.45 2.0428 4.0815 65KLIVSEHNR73
33Pol a 5 Q05109 7.45 2.0428 4.0815 48KLIVSEHNR56
34Pol e 5.0101 P35759 7.45 2.0428 4.0815 44KLIVSEHNR52
35Cla c 9.0101 148361511 7.48 2.0213 4.0681 372DLISGDLKD380
36Len c 1.0102 29539111 7.56 1.9707 4.0364 396RLLTNQKQS404
37Len c 1.0101 29539109 7.56 1.9707 4.0364 399RLLTNQKQS407
38Zan_b_2.02 QYU76044 7.59 1.9528 4.0252 195RLQRPQMQR203
39QYS16039 QYS16039 7.59 1.9528 4.0252 198RLQRPQMQR206
40Can f 6.0101 73971966 7.59 1.9512 4.0242 39ILLASDIKE47
41Sal s 4.0101 NP_001117128 7.60 1.9499 4.0234 226KVLTDKLKE234
42Pan h 4.0201 XP_026775428 7.60 1.9499 4.0234 226KVLTDKLKE234
43Pen a 1 11893851 7.61 1.9422 4.0186 93QLLEEDLER101
44Hom a 1.0101 O44119 7.61 1.9422 4.0186 93QLLEEDLER101
45Pan b 1.0101 312831088 7.61 1.9422 4.0186 93QLLEEDLER101
46Bla g 7.0101 8101069 7.61 1.9422 4.0186 93QLLEEDLER101
47Copt f 7.0101 AGM32377.1 7.61 1.9422 4.0186 93QLLEEDLER101
48Aed a 10.0101 Q17H75_AEDAE 7.61 1.9422 4.0186 93QLLEEDLER101
49Per a 7 Q9UB83 7.61 1.9422 4.0186 93QLLEEDLER101
50Hel as 1 4468224 7.61 1.9422 4.0186 93QLLEEDLER101

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.664607
Standard deviation: 1.573341
1 0.5 3
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 20
16 8.0 45
17 8.5 40
18 9.0 89
19 9.5 143
20 10.0 191
21 10.5 181
22 11.0 278
23 11.5 209
24 12.0 219
25 12.5 97
26 13.0 82
27 13.5 42
28 14.0 10
29 14.5 11
30 15.0 14
31 15.5 6
32 16.0 1
33 16.5 1
34 17.0 3
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 17.710666
Standard deviation: 2.513783
1 0.5 3
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 2
14 7.0 7
15 7.5 20
16 8.0 49
17 8.5 84
18 9.0 141
19 9.5 212
20 10.0 377
21 10.5 591
22 11.0 957
23 11.5 1446
24 12.0 2235
25 12.5 3240
26 13.0 4703
27 13.5 7290
28 14.0 9331
29 14.5 12216
30 15.0 15184
31 15.5 18218
32 16.0 21629
33 16.5 24750
34 17.0 27936
35 17.5 30758
36 18.0 30844
37 18.5 31124
38 19.0 29137
39 19.5 27523
40 20.0 25029
41 20.5 21096
42 21.0 17347
43 21.5 13350
44 22.0 9386
45 22.5 6184
46 23.0 3679
47 23.5 2212
48 24.0 1264
49 24.5 421
50 25.0 152
51 25.5 55
Query sequence: RLLTSDMKR

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