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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: SRLGNPKID

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Der f 15.0101 5815436 0.00 7.1344 7.0277 164SRLGNPKID172
2Der p 15.0101 Q4JK69_DERPT 0.00 7.1344 7.0277 164SRLGNPKID172
3Der p 15.0102 Q4JK70_DERPT 0.00 7.1344 7.0277 164SRLGNPKID172
4Aed a 4.0101 MALT_AEDAE 3.14 5.1003 5.8230 362SRLGENKID370
5Sal s 7.01 ACH70914 5.62 3.4913 4.8701 340DRLGSSEVD348
6Lep d 7 Q9U1G2 5.99 3.2539 4.7296 86SRRGDAKID94
7Pen c 30.0101 82754305 6.29 3.0559 4.6123 467SRKGNGKLQ475
8Alt a 3 1850544 6.53 2.9031 4.5218 20NTLSDSKVD28
9Alt a 3 P78983 6.53 2.9031 4.5218 55NTLSDSKVD63
10Alt a 3 1850542 6.53 2.9031 4.5218 55NTLSDSKVD63
11Pan h 7.0101 XP_026780620 6.77 2.7431 4.4271 339DRLGSSEVE347
12Gly m 6.0401 Q9SB11 7.02 2.5835 4.3326 553SQQGSPRVK561
13Der p 28.0101 QAT18639 7.05 2.5626 4.3202 100SESGKPKIE108
14Cla h 5.0101 P40918 7.14 2.5036 4.2852 550NTVSDPKVE558
15Cor a 10 10944737 7.23 2.4467 4.2515 540GRLSQEEID548
16Blo t 7.0101 ASX95438 7.30 2.3996 4.2236 60ARVGDAKIH68
17Sch c 1.0101 D8Q9M3 7.34 2.3785 4.2111 123GGLGEPKFN131
18Ves v 6.0101 G8IIT0 7.37 2.3557 4.1976 338RRLGRPSVS346
19Der f 28.0201 AIO08848 7.51 2.2643 4.1435 328AKLDKSKID336
20Der p 28.0101 QAT18639 7.51 2.2643 4.1435 328AKLDKSKID336
21Asp n 14 4235093 7.58 2.2199 4.1172 736DRLGDVKVG744
22Cuc m 2 57021110 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
23Tri a 12.0104 207366247 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
24Cor a 2 12659206 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
25Pop n 2.0101 QID21357 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
26Gly m 3 O65810 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
27Hev b 8.0102 Q9STB6 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
28Api g 4 Q9XF37 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 123ERLGDYLID131
29Bet v 2 P25816 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 122ERLGDYLID130
30Pyr c 4 Q9XF38 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
31Mal d 4 Q9XF40 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
32Ara h 5 Q9SQI9 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
33Tri a 12.0101 P49232 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
34Tri a 12.0102 P49233 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
35Tri a 12.0103 P49234 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
36Cor a 2 Q9AXH4 7.59 2.2118 4.1124 120ERLGDYLID128
37Rap v 2.0101 QPB41107 7.62 2.1953 4.1026 198SRLTQENFD206
38Api m 1 P00630 7.65 2.1735 4.0897 18DRIGDNELE26
39Der f 39.0101 QBF67841 7.81 2.0687 4.0277 119DKLTNDELD127
40Der p 39.0101 QXY82447 7.81 2.0687 4.0277 119DKLTNDELD127
41Pru p 2.0301 190613903 7.84 2.0527 4.0182 39ASFGNPQLS47
42Equ a 6.01 XP_014705584 7.88 2.0238 4.0011 100SKLLDDNID108
43Mor a 2.0101 QOS47419 7.90 2.0094 3.9925 386SRRSSPRVT394
44Der f 28.0201 AIO08848 7.91 2.0079 3.9917 100SESGKPKLE108
45Sal k 3.0101 225810599 7.92 1.9989 3.9863 386SRKSSPRVT394
46Asp n 14 4235093 7.93 1.9916 3.9820 103SRLGLPAYQ111
47Asp n 14 2181180 7.93 1.9916 3.9820 103SRLGLPAYQ111
48Ory s 1 Q40638 7.95 1.9785 3.9742 20SPAGHPKVP28
49Asp v 13.0101 294441150 7.96 1.9745 3.9719 245SRTGKSAIN253
50Act d 6.0101 27544452 7.98 1.9619 3.9644 92NQATDPKLK100

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.003578
Standard deviation: 1.542322
1 0.5 3
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 1
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 4
15 7.5 7
16 8.0 29
17 8.5 28
18 9.0 74
19 9.5 107
20 10.0 143
21 10.5 159
22 11.0 237
23 11.5 237
24 12.0 216
25 12.5 265
26 13.0 84
27 13.5 31
28 14.0 33
29 14.5 14
30 15.0 7
31 15.5 9
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 2
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.302196
Standard deviation: 2.604294
1 0.5 3
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 1
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 2
13 6.5 1
14 7.0 4
15 7.5 7
16 8.0 32
17 8.5 32
18 9.0 96
19 9.5 130
20 10.0 200
21 10.5 335
22 11.0 611
23 11.5 958
24 12.0 1586
25 12.5 2544
26 13.0 3543
27 13.5 5024
28 14.0 6710
29 14.5 8928
30 15.0 12480
31 15.5 14498
32 16.0 18252
33 16.5 20901
34 17.0 24003
35 17.5 26922
36 18.0 28888
37 18.5 30541
38 19.0 29994
39 19.5 29186
40 20.0 27519
41 20.5 24192
42 21.0 20991
43 21.5 17369
44 22.0 14138
45 22.5 10355
46 23.0 7707
47 23.5 4874
48 24.0 3298
49 24.5 1676
50 25.0 1052
51 25.5 415
52 26.0 132
53 26.5 47
54 27.0 20
Query sequence: SRLGNPKID

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