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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: VEEMKNVLR

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Aed a 4.0101 MALT_AEDAE 0.00 6.2315 6.6947 198VEEMKNVLR206
2Aln g 1 7430710 4.96 3.3137 4.8911 204VENAKKVLR212
3Aed a 10.0201 Q17H80_AEDAE 5.82 2.8036 4.5758 218VEEFKRQLK226
4Syr v 3 P58171 5.85 2.7904 4.5676 60FEEFKDFAR68
5Tri a gliadin 170722 5.98 2.7123 4.5194 253FEEIRNLAR261
6Lep w 1.0101 208608077 6.10 2.6390 4.4741 99IEEFTDLVR107
7Jun o 4 O64943 6.19 2.5857 4.4411 129IEESKNIIH137
8Cup a 4.0101 145581052 6.19 2.5857 4.4411 141IEESKNIIH149
9Zea m 25.0101 Q4W1F7 6.32 2.5091 4.3938 80VDEMKTIAE88
10Sal s 1 Q91482 6.40 2.4623 4.3648 61VEELKLFLQ69
11Onc m 1.0101 P86431 6.40 2.4623 4.3648 60VEELKLFLQ68
12Per a 1.0104 2253610 6.62 2.3331 4.2850 204VDELKTLFQ212
13Lin u 1.01 Q8LPD3_LINUS 6.67 2.3068 4.2687 136VQQAKQVAR144
14Lin u 1 Q8LPD3_LINUS 6.67 2.3068 4.2687 136VQQAKQVAR144
15Equ c 3 399672 6.68 2.2994 4.2642 404VEEPKSLVK412
16Ran e 2 20797081 6.80 2.2282 4.2201 100VEEFQALVK108
17Sus s 1.0101 ALBU_PIG 6.83 2.2084 4.2079 404VDEPKNLIK412
18Zan b 2.0102 QYU76046 6.86 2.1962 4.2004 211VEEELEVLR219
19Zan b 2.0101 QYU76045 6.86 2.1962 4.2004 211VEEELEVLR219
20Lit v 4.0101 223403272 6.91 2.1647 4.1809 79VDEFKQAVQ87
21Pen m 4.0101 317383198 6.91 2.1647 4.1809 79VDEFKQAVQ87
22Scy p 4.0101 SCP_SCYPA 6.91 2.1647 4.1809 79VDEFKQAVQ87
23Hel a 2 O81982 6.95 2.1409 4.1662 46PEEMKGIIK54
24Vig r 4.0101 Q43680 6.97 2.1314 4.1603 106IAEMFPVLR114
25Tri a 39.0101 J7QW61_WHEAT 7.00 2.1086 4.1462 33VEEAKKVIL41
26Aed a 5.0101 Q16XK7_AEDAE 7.03 2.0930 4.1366 79TEEFKDAVK87
27Zea m 12.0103 P35083 7.06 2.0735 4.1245 44PEEMTNIIK52
28Cro p 2.0101 XP_019400389 7.13 2.0331 4.0995 61EDELKSVLK69
29Sola t 1 169500 7.15 2.0229 4.0932 25LEEMVTVLS33
30Sola t 1 21510 7.15 2.0229 4.0932 25LEEMVTVLS33
31Sola t 1 129641 7.15 2.0229 4.0932 16LEEMVTVLS24
32Hom s 4 3297882 7.19 1.9990 4.0784 80FEQVQSIIR88
33Rap v 2.0101 QPB41107 7.22 1.9824 4.0682 303MEEMEDLKR311
34Dic v a 763532 7.23 1.9736 4.0627 490SEEMNDIMK498
35Der p 11 37778944 7.26 1.9565 4.0522 124VHEMQDQLD132
36Tri a 25.0101 Q9LDX4 7.26 1.9559 4.0518 77VDELKSIAE85
37Ani s 2 8117843 7.28 1.9490 4.0475 612LEECKTALD620
38Pan h 9.0101 XP_026775867 7.29 1.9386 4.0411 57VEKLKEMIK65
39Fus p 9.0101 A0A0U1Y1N5_GIBIN 7.30 1.9345 4.0386 333VEEIKHAVE341
40Gal d 5 63748 7.36 1.8983 4.0162 409IKETQDVVK417
41Fel d 7.0101 301072397 7.37 1.8933 4.0131 145LENFREFLR153
42Jun o 4 O64943 7.37 1.8931 4.0130 93VKDLKNAFK101
43Cup a 4.0101 145581052 7.37 1.8931 4.0130 105VKDLKNAFK113
44Koc s 1.0101 A0A0K1SC44_BASSC 7.37 1.8923 4.0125 149LEECPEVLK157
45Ama r 1.0101 A0A0K1SC10_AMARE 7.37 1.8923 4.0125 150LEECPEVLK158
46Der f 4.0101 AHX03180 7.37 1.8910 4.0117 281YKEITNVFR289
47Eur m 4.0101 5059164 7.37 1.8910 4.0117 281YKEITNVFR289
48Der p 4 5059162 7.37 1.8910 4.0117 256YKEITNVFR264
49Lep s 1 20387027 7.43 1.8560 3.9901 218VEEYKRQIK226
50Cla h 10.0101 P42039 7.45 1.8460 3.9839 20AEDIKTVLS28

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 10.586254
Standard deviation: 1.698831
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 6
14 7.0 13
15 7.5 33
16 8.0 38
17 8.5 83
18 9.0 104
19 9.5 123
20 10.0 157
21 10.5 272
22 11.0 189
23 11.5 266
24 12.0 141
25 12.5 91
26 13.0 64
27 13.5 29
28 14.0 37
29 14.5 14
30 15.0 6
31 15.5 8
32 16.0 7
33 16.5 5
34 17.0 4
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.399392
Standard deviation: 2.748372
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 1
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 3
13 6.5 6
14 7.0 13
15 7.5 37
16 8.0 48
17 8.5 95
18 9.0 128
19 9.5 240
20 10.0 352
21 10.5 771
22 11.0 906
23 11.5 1588
24 12.0 2061
25 12.5 2674
26 13.0 3892
27 13.5 5083
28 14.0 7126
29 14.5 9423
30 15.0 10984
31 15.5 13726
32 16.0 16633
33 16.5 19433
34 17.0 22539
35 17.5 24951
36 18.0 26546
37 18.5 29306
38 19.0 28852
39 19.5 28955
40 20.0 27297
41 20.5 24921
42 21.0 22005
43 21.5 18655
44 22.0 15177
45 22.5 11751
46 23.0 8955
47 23.5 6158
48 24.0 3903
49 24.5 2407
50 25.0 1327
51 25.5 903
52 26.0 263
53 26.5 86
54 27.0 16
Query sequence: VEEMKNVLR

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