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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: WRAVLDEYS

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Aed a 4.0101 MALT_AEDAE 0.00 7.4576 7.4137 270WRAVLDEYS278
2Lep s 1 20387027 6.82 2.9133 4.6701 267YRALADEMD275
3Equ c 3 399672 6.96 2.8187 4.6129 393YRTVFDQFT401
4Aed a 5.0101 Q16XK7_AEDAE 7.01 2.7875 4.5941 58MKALWDEIS66
5gal d 6.0101 P87498 7.36 2.5565 4.4546 572VDAVLKEPS580
6Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 7.36 2.5565 4.4546 572VDAVLKEPS580
7Pon l 7.0101 P05547 7.63 2.3727 4.3436 94LRAIIKEYF102
8Rho m 1.0101 Q870B9 7.86 2.2232 4.2534 283YEQLLNEYP291
9Hel a 2 O81982 7.91 2.1857 4.2307 3WQAYVDEHL11
10Sal k 4.0201 300490499 7.91 2.1857 4.2307 3WQAYVDEHL11
11Zea m 12.0102 P35082 7.91 2.1857 4.2307 3WQAYVDEHL11
12Zea m 12.0104 O22655 7.91 2.1857 4.2307 3WQAYVDEHL11
13Pho d 2.0101 Q8L5D8 7.91 2.1857 4.2307 3WQAYVDEHL11
14Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 7.99 2.1338 4.1994 1467WHAVMTTYP1475
15gal d 6.0101 P87498 8.07 2.0810 4.1675 707FREILKKLS715
16Gal d 6.0101 VIT1_CHICK 8.07 2.0810 4.1675 707FREILKKLS715
17Cro s 1.0101 Q5EF31 8.15 2.0293 4.1363 47ITAILNDFN55
18Cyn d 24.0101 51950706 8.20 1.9957 4.1160 81WKTTVDTWS89
19Gal d 2 212900 8.35 1.8948 4.0551 84FKELLSEIT92
20Sal k 2.0101 22726221 8.36 1.8912 4.0530 88YRAMLQHTP96
21Cyn d 24.0101 51950706 8.36 1.8856 4.0496 18IQDILNEHN26
22Api m 12.0101 Q868N5 8.41 1.8544 4.0307 1384VRAKLNEYL1392
23Api m 11.0201 62910925 8.41 1.8527 4.0297 126YRIAIDEWD134
24Der p 11 37778944 8.42 1.8494 4.0277 328LEALLNKCS336
25Blo t 11 21954740 8.42 1.8494 4.0277 328LEALLNKCS336
26Der f 11.0101 13785807 8.42 1.8494 4.0277 242LEALLNKCS250
27Asp f 5 3776613 8.46 1.8222 4.0113 270WDSVASEFT278
28Mala s 1 Q01940 8.47 1.8152 4.0070 306FTAVADYYQ314
29Per v 1 9954251 8.49 1.8044 4.0006 267YKAISDELD275
30Hal l 1.0101 APG42675 8.49 1.8044 4.0006 267YKAISDELD275
31Hal d 1 9954249 8.49 1.8044 4.0006 267YKAISDELD275
32Cra g 1 15419048 8.49 1.8044 4.0006 216YKAISDELD224
33Sac g 1.0101 AVD53650 8.49 1.8044 4.0006 267YKAISDELD275
34Asp t 36.0101 Q0CJH1_ASPTN 8.49 1.8044 4.0005 146LNAVAKELS154
35Sal s 3.0101 B5DGM7 8.49 1.8001 3.9980 148WRCVLKITS156
36Aed a 4.0101 MALT_AEDAE 8.54 1.7660 3.9773 84FREIQTEYG92
37Act d 9.0101 195249738 8.54 1.7659 3.9773 47ITAIMNDFS55
38Ani s 2 8117843 8.57 1.7461 3.9653 269VRVALDEES277
39Tyr p 13 51860756 8.60 1.7293 3.9552 16FDAFLKELG24
40Aca s 13 118638268 8.60 1.7293 3.9552 16FDAFLKELG24
41Der f mag29 666007 8.61 1.7239 3.9519 38MKATLDEEA46
42Art v 4.0101 25955968 8.63 1.7069 3.9417 49IDAIIKEFN57
43Ara h 8.0201 EF436550 8.63 1.7059 3.9411 91FQEILEKVS99
44Hom a 1.0101 O44119 8.67 1.6851 3.9285 126MRKVLENRS134
45Met e 1 Q25456 8.67 1.6851 3.9285 116MRKVLENRS124
46Pen a 1 11893851 8.67 1.6851 3.9285 126MRKVLENRS134
47Cha f 1 Q9N2R3 8.67 1.6851 3.9285 126MRKVLENRS134
48Pen m 1 60892782 8.67 1.6851 3.9285 126MRKVLENRS134
49Pan s 1 O61379 8.67 1.6851 3.9285 116MRKVLENRS124
50Lit v 1.0101 170791251 8.67 1.6851 3.9285 126MRKVLENRS134

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.195096
Standard deviation: 1.501174
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 2
15 7.5 3
16 8.0 8
17 8.5 17
18 9.0 57
19 9.5 112
20 10.0 143
21 10.5 208
22 11.0 210
23 11.5 223
24 12.0 297
25 12.5 154
26 13.0 100
27 13.5 49
28 14.0 42
29 14.5 35
30 15.0 9
31 15.5 17
32 16.0 2
33 16.5 4
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 1
36 18.0 1
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 0
40 20.0 1
41 20.5 0

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.433321
Standard deviation: 2.486401
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 0
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 2
15 7.5 3
16 8.0 8
17 8.5 21
18 9.0 58
19 9.5 121
20 10.0 193
21 10.5 336
22 11.0 469
23 11.5 761
24 12.0 1297
25 12.5 2062
26 13.0 2855
27 13.5 3982
28 14.0 5743
29 14.5 8088
30 15.0 9874
31 15.5 13630
32 16.0 16417
33 16.5 19646
34 17.0 23505
35 17.5 27359
36 18.0 29842
37 18.5 31095
38 19.0 31429
39 19.5 31028
40 20.0 29864
41 20.5 26466
42 21.0 23106
43 21.5 18800
44 22.0 14797
45 22.5 11169
46 23.0 7100
47 23.5 4544
48 24.0 2261
49 24.5 1274
50 25.0 622
51 25.5 277
52 26.0 58
53 26.5 30
Query sequence: WRAVLDEYS

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