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Last Updated: Nov 1, 2021  
Alphabetical listing of allergens: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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Search Results: Peptide Similarity

Query peptide: YSLPSDMYR

NoAllergenLink to NCBI/
PD Sequence
Matching regionEnd
1Eur m 3 O97370 0.00 8.3395 7.7588 162YSLPSDMYR170
2Der f 3 P49275 4.33 5.2294 5.8988 160YSLPSELQR168
3Der p 3 P39675 4.48 5.1186 5.8325 162YSLPSELRR170
4Gal d vitellogenin 63887 6.65 3.5612 4.9011 1598YSMPANCYH1606
5Gal d vitellogenin 212881 6.65 3.5612 4.9011 1600YSMPANCYH1608
6Gly m 2 1362049 7.45 2.9826 4.5551 5ENLPADTYR13
7Pla a 2 51316214 7.52 2.9323 4.5250 145TSLNSKMFH153
8Tri a 28.0101 66841026 7.65 2.8424 4.4713 53YSMLDSMYK61
9Tri a TAI P01084 7.65 2.8424 4.4713 58YSMLDSMYK66
10Tri a TAI P01085 7.65 2.8424 4.4713 58YSMLDSMYK66
11Cuc ma 4.0101 11SB_CUCMA 7.71 2.8005 4.4462 443LGVLSNMYR451
12Api m 8.0101 B2D0J5 7.73 2.7823 4.4353 375YTIPLDQHR383
13Cha o 3.0101 GH5FP_CHAOB 7.73 2.7823 4.4353 281TGLPNDVCK289
14Hom s 1 2342526 7.83 2.7103 4.3922 417QPLPSDDTR425
15Hom s 1.0101 2723284 7.83 2.7103 4.3922 459QPLPSDDTR467
16Asp n 25 464385 7.94 2.6325 4.3457 103YSINTTEYK111
17Cuc m 1 807698 8.05 2.5551 4.2994 429YPLPSSVLD437
18Hev b 4.0101 46410859 8.11 2.5092 4.2719 167YEIPSEASR175
19Sal k 6.0101 AHL24657 8.14 2.4918 4.2615 142KSLNSKLYH150
20Sal k 6.0101 ARS33724 8.14 2.4918 4.2615 164KSLNSKLYH172
21Cup a 1 19069497 8.29 2.3824 4.1961 289FTAPSESYK297
22Jun a 1.0101 P81294 8.29 2.3824 4.1961 289FTAPSESYK297
23Jun o 1 15139849 8.29 2.3824 4.1961 289FTAPSESYK297
24Jun a 1.0102 AAD03609 8.29 2.3824 4.1961 289FTAPSESYK297
25Tri r 2.0101 5813790 8.29 2.3797 4.1945 59QSLNSRIMR67
26Api m 11.0201 62910925 8.34 2.3471 4.1750 43YNFGSDEKR51
27Blo t 3.0101 25989482 8.34 2.3419 4.1719 168SSLPTKLQK176
28Pru du 10.0101 MDL2_PRUDU 8.40 2.3010 4.1474 346LGISNDFYQ354
29Ani s 7.0101 119524036 8.41 2.2950 4.1438 1077WSLSSELIN1085
30Equ c 1 Q95182 8.53 2.2100 4.0930 99YSLNYDGYN107
31Der f 24.0101 QCR7_DERFA 8.54 2.1991 4.0865 49RRLPPDLYD57
32Der p 24.0101 QCR7_DERPT 8.54 2.1991 4.0865 49RRLPPDLYD57
33Cor a 12.0101 49617323 8.54 2.1980 4.0858 118QSLPREMDQ126
34Pan h 7.0101 XP_026780620 8.58 2.1746 4.0719 139YTLPPHNSR147
35Sal s 7.01 ACH70914 8.58 2.1746 4.0719 140YTLPPHNSR148
36Tyr p 3.0101 167540622 8.63 2.1369 4.0493 167TTIPTNLQK175
37Asp o 21 166531 8.64 2.1283 4.0442 373YPTDSELYK381
38Asp o 21 217823 8.64 2.1283 4.0442 373YPTDSELYK381
39Hom s 1.0101 2723284 8.64 2.1265 4.0431 666KSLPSAVYC674
40Hom s 1 2342526 8.64 2.1265 4.0431 623KSLPSAVYC631
41Sola t 4 P30941 8.66 2.1123 4.0346 27INLPSDATP35
42Sola t 4 21413 8.66 2.1123 4.0346 27INLPSDATP35
43Asp f 10 963013 8.72 2.0681 4.0081 148SSASGDVYK156
44Hev b 3 O82803 8.75 2.0467 3.9954 97YSVAQDAPR105
45Pla or 2.0101 162949338 8.79 2.0217 3.9804 146TSMNSKMFH154
46Per a 3.0202 1580794 8.79 2.0205 3.9797 241HSLGNAMYL249
47Per a 3.0201 1531589 8.79 2.0205 3.9797 402HSLGNAMYL410
48Api m 11.0101 58585070 8.80 2.0158 3.9769 40YDFGSDEKR48
49Pen c 24 38326693 8.81 2.0063 3.9712 68PTLPGDASK76
50Hor v 1 1405736 8.84 1.9876 3.9600 57RLLTSDMKR65

Histogram for best protein-peptide similarity index
Number of windows: 1698
Average PD: 11.602150
Standard deviation: 1.391235
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 2
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 2
15 7.5 1
16 8.0 10
17 8.5 13
18 9.0 29
19 9.5 44
20 10.0 78
21 10.5 137
22 11.0 185
23 11.5 234
24 12.0 328
25 12.5 253
26 13.0 154
27 13.5 125
28 14.0 54
29 14.5 16
30 15.0 10
31 15.5 13
32 16.0 4
33 16.5 2
34 17.0 1
35 17.5 0
36 18.0 0
37 18.5 0
38 19.0 0
39 19.5 1

Histogram for all protein-peptide similarity indices
Number of windows: 400198
Average PD: 18.048946
Standard deviation: 2.326258
1 0.5 1
2 1.0 0
3 1.5 0
4 2.0 0
5 2.5 0
6 3.0 0
7 3.5 0
8 4.0 0
9 4.5 2
10 5.0 0
11 5.5 0
12 6.0 0
13 6.5 0
14 7.0 2
15 7.5 1
16 8.0 10
17 8.5 13
18 9.0 32
19 9.5 52
20 10.0 99
21 10.5 206
22 11.0 331
23 11.5 657
24 12.0 1179
25 12.5 1823
26 13.0 2778
27 13.5 4741
28 14.0 6761
29 14.5 9078
30 15.0 12500
31 15.5 16326
32 16.0 20201
33 16.5 23259
34 17.0 27518
35 17.5 30770
36 18.0 33193
37 18.5 34539
38 19.0 32795
39 19.5 30529
40 20.0 27458
41 20.5 23694
42 21.0 19229
43 21.5 14598
44 22.0 10548
45 22.5 7112
46 23.0 4238
47 23.5 2276
48 24.0 1010
49 24.5 420
50 25.0 152
51 25.5 58
52 26.0 8
Query sequence: YSLPSDMYR

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